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 By the afternoon of that day--my pocket diary shows me that it was Tuesday

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By the afternoon of that day--my pocket diary shows me that it was Tuesday Empty
PostSubject: By the afternoon of that day--my pocket diary shows me that it was Tuesday   By the afternoon of that day--my pocket diary shows me that it was Tuesday EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 3:52 pm

By the afternoon of that day--my pocket diary shows me that it was Tuesday, August 18th--at least six or seven drums were throbbing from various points. Sometimes they beat quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes in obvious question and answer, one far to the east breaking out in a high staccato rattle, and being followed after a pause by a deep roll from the north. There was something indescribably nerve-shaking and menacing in that constant mutter, which seemed to shape itself into the very syllables of the half-breed, endlessly repeated, "We will kill you if we can. We will kill you if we can." No one ever moved in the silent woods. All the peace and soothing of quiet Nature lay in that dark curtain of vegetation, but away from behind there came ever the one message from our fellow-man. "We will kill you if we can," said the men in the east. "We will kill you if we can," said the men in the north.

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By the afternoon of that day--my pocket diary shows me that it was Tuesday
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