The Roman Court or Papal Curia was reformed by the Bull Pontificalis Domus of 1969. This abolished the role of the old Roman nobility at the Papal Court with the exception of the position of Prince Assistant to the Papal Throne. These titles (such as the Grand Master of the Sacred Apostolic Hospice, Marshal of the Sacred Conclave, etc.) are now purely honorary (though still hereditary).
This position had been shared jointly by the Princes Orsini and Colonna, but the former was deprived by Pius XII after obtaining a divorce and the title was conferred upon Prince Torlonia, Prince of Fucino, Canino and Musignano of the Torlonia Family.
The Prince Assistants are representatives of the Roman nobility, who serve at the feet of the Throne immediately next to the Cardinal Deacon who stands to the right of the Pope. They alternate office during their lifetimes and no-one can s
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