The nation's king has set up the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate the events -- and consequences -- from earlier this year. Its report is set to be released Wednesday.
"All the while BICI has carried out its work, the government has carried out its own assessments and conducted its own investigations. These investigations have revealed things to praise as well as things to deplore," the government statement said. "Regrettably, there have been instances of excessive force and mistreatment of detainees. This was in violation of government policy."
Ahead of the commission's release, the government said it has begun to take steps "to address and remedy injustice within our society." Among them are two sets of amendments to current laws, including making all forms of torture criminal and the establishment of an independent human rights division.
Also Monday, Amnesty International called on Bahrain to take action action on the commission's inquiry.
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